About us
Our vision
At Arden Forest our vision is to: Enable our whole school community with the skills to be happy, successful and independent life-long learners with healthy mind, bodies and spirit.
Children at Arden Forest Infant School benefit from a high quality learning environment. Our facilities include a large hall, a Reception Unit, Key Stage 1 classrooms and a number of different size intervention spaces for the different year groups. Our outdoor environment includes an extensive area dedicated to our reception classes and a large playground and field to the rear of the school for KS1 children. We also have a courtyard which is used for outdoor learning.
From the Headteacher
Welcome to Arden Forest
We are delighted and proud of our unique children, supportive parents, inspirational staff and dedicated governors, who all work together to make Arden Forest Infant school an enjoyable and safe place to learn.
The children are at the heart of every decision we make as we aspire that they grow to be happy, confident and caring individuals who can and will contribute to the school and their wider community.
We value respect, kindness, positivity, responsibility, resilience and tolerance. We believe that it is these values which will enable the children to love learning and continue to want to be ‘life-long’ learners beyond our school. We are confident that our well-rounded curriculum, where individual talents are spotted and nurtured will ensure that children experience success and reach their full potential.
We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school and therefore also value and regard our families as active partners. We place great importance on your support and interest in your child’s education and therefore look forward to seeing you at the different school events that will take place over the school year.
Mrs Gunn
We are Good!
Ofsted – 2022
Our last Ofsted inspection was in November 2022 where we achieved an over all GOOD status.
View our Ofsted report below and find and compare schools using the DFE performance table link.