What a busy and exciting few weeks we have had at the start of this term. Reception children are now in full time and are loving all of the different learning opportunities that are in the Early Years provision.
This week the children in Key Stage One walked to St James church for their Harvest Celebration. The walk alone was an exciting adventure! Due to the size of the church and health and safety, we had to limit the numbers of guests and we did not anticipate that this would be ‘sold out!’ This was unprecedented as we have not had such support for a Harvest Celebration before. Many thanks to the volunteers who walked with us, parents who were able to join us and all of the contributions of food that are now being donated to Coventry Food Bank.
This morning we held our Macmillan Coffee Morning. There was a good atmosphere in the hall as many parents enjoyed a cup of tea or coffee and a slice of cake. We are currently counting up how much money was raised and will let you know.
Finally, on Tuesday 8th October at 9.30am, we are having a forum for parents and carers to contribute to a discussion about behaviour, rewards and sanctions. If you are able to attend, you will be welcomed.
Mrs R Gunn, Headteacher