Part of our Easter and end of term celebrations. Each Year Group will have a [...]
Dear Parents and Carers, Due to the adverse weather conditions, including the very icy roads, [...]
Monday 16th November Due to Covid 19 restrictions, we are unable to invite prospective parents [...]
New school PE zip up hoodies (with school logo), are now available to purchase for [...]
School opens Friday 4th September For Year 2 only – 8.45am – 2.50pm Monday [...]
Dear Parents and Carers, We hope you are all well and keeping safe. This letter [...]
A feel good dance video to make you smile and remind you to stay safe. [...]
Year 2 Carol Service St James Church Bulkington Monday 16th December 6pm
ANTI-BULLYING WEEK 11th – 15th November 2019 During this week our learning will have focus [...]
15th November is Children in Need day and we at Arden Forest Infant school will [...]
WALK TO SCHOOL BREAKFAST We are holding a “Walk to School Breakfast on Wednesday 6TH [...]