School Reset – Return to School Information

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Arden Forest

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you are all well and keeping safe.  This letter aims to give you all the information about our opening to more children (Reception in the first instance).  In preparing for returning to school, we have undertaken detailed risk assessments and are currently awaiting for the assessments to be Quality Assured by the Local Authority.

It is important to share at this stage that our ‘Nightingale’ provision (for critical workers and vulnerable families) in line with Government guidance, remains the priority group.  This continues in the same format as they have done in the new dedicated area which was the ICT suite. 

Due to the complexities of our school, having been open throughout Easter and Whitsun Half Term holidays, the number of staff who are still shielding, having to prepare the ‘new’ environment and learning opportunities – we are looking to open to Reception from Monday 15th June 2020. This will be on a part time basis for the first couple of weeks before progressing to all day.

What follows is a detailed explanation of how we are enabling this new approach to school and schooling during the Covid 19 pandemic.  This letter, will also be on our school website should you need to refer to again in the coming weeks.

Start and end of the session/school day:

Each class will be organised into three groups, each group having a different starting and finishing time and entrance.

Class 1

Entrance & Exit




Main Gate onto front playground

9 – 11.15am

9.15 – 11.30am

9.30 – 11.45am

Class 2

Entrance & Exit




Church side gate up to fence

12 – 2.15pm

12.15 – 2.30pm

12.30 – 2.45pm


Car park entrance and main reception door

8.45am – 3pm

Just like going shopping, we ask that only one designated adult comes with their child to reduce the number of people moving around and coming into contact with each other.  Adults must not congregate or stand and talk around the school gates before or after drop off.  Pupils need to be brought at the allotted time, not too early or late so that we can swiftly get each of the groups into school.

Adults will not be able to discuss or raise issues with staff at the start of the day as the priority will be to bring the children into their new classrooms quickly.  Any communication will need to be via email, or the school phone – 02476 315913.  We will not be able to take written notes as messages as we need to restrict the number of ‘surfaces’ touched to minimise risks.

Staff will meet the groups in the areas designated and take them around to their classrooms.  Parents and Carers will not be allowed to enter the school building or go beyond the front playground/carpark/ pathway of the building, again to reduce risks.

Groups (Bubbles):

The children will be organised by their classes into groups of ten.  We had hoped this would be based on friendships, but from the responses, will be based on the first ten pupils in each class returning and grow from there.  Each group will be supported by two adults (not necessarily their teacher or someone from the Reception team).  These groups are isolated ‘Bubbles’ who will not interact with each other.  In many respects this is an extended version from being isolated in our own homes, to now being in isolated ‘bubbles’ in school. 


A typical session at school will include a focus on the basic skills, eg phonics teaching, reading, writing, maths and number work; but also some creative work, story time and outdoor learning. Anyone choosing to stay at home will be expected to complete the online ‘Learning Packs’ that are sent out each week.  Nightingales, which is a mixed year group provision will continue as previously.

Clothing & What to bring:

Where possible, we would like the pupils to wear their uniform (summer dresses, polo shirt and skirt, shorts or trousers) although we appreciate they may have outgrown their uniform!  We politely ask that cardigans, jumpers and coats are not brought in during times of warmer weather to reduce the number of belongings in school, or be left with parent/carer once dropped off at school.   Nightingale pupils will continue to wear their own clothing. 

The children will not be accessing the cloakroom areas, therefore should coats be needed, eg on rainy days these will go on the back of their chairs, and water bottles will be kept on their own designated desks.

Children will not need to bring bags, just a water bottle that is named and filled with fresh water daily.  This must be water and not flavoured water or squash as per school policy.  Unfortunately other items, including toys from home will not be permissible.

Break Times (including Lunchtimes):

Break and lunch times have been staggered so that each group (Bubble) have access to good amount of dedicated space, away from any other groups attending school at the same time.  The trim trail and Gazebo seating area will not be available for use as we are unable to clean them down between each group having break times. 


Our school kitchen is about to be refurbished (this was planned pre lockdown but has been on hold until recent Government guidance changed).  We will be continuing to provide school lunches, however this will be in the form of a ‘packed lunch’ option.  Whilst your child attends on a part time basis, the morning groups will take their packed lunches home with them. The Afternoon group will eat theirs in school.  Once we have settled the pupils back into the new routines and extend the provision to include lunchtimes, we will be offering packed lunches in the pupils’ classrooms. 

If your child used to have a packed lunch from home, this can be continued.  However, please ensure they have any cutlery needed eg spoons for yoghurts as we will not be able to supply these.  Please could you also ensure that a small plastic bag is also provided so that all of the ‘rubbish’ can be placed in the bag, within the lunch box as these will be kept in the classroom, under the pupils’ desks for the duration of the day.


Pupils will be supervised washing their hands as soon as they enter the building, before and after any breaks/lunch times and after using the toilets.  Please support this, by also practising the hand washing routines at home for at least 20 seconds each time.


Each Group (Bubble) will have a set of allocated toilets.  The original ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ toilets in Year One and Two are now unisex toilets as each set of toilets have their own individual cubicle doors.  Children will be able to go to the toilet, when needed, but encouraged before and after break and lunch times. 


If you, your child or anyone in your household show any signs or symptoms, even mild, please stay at home.  Testing is now open to everybody, therefore people can quickly request and be tested to inform if illness is Covid 19 or not.  We ask for your honesty as we have done with yourselves, and inform us if someone in your household is experiencing symptoms so that we can advise the group (Bubble) to be alert and go for testing themselves.  Should anyone believe they have Covid 19 symptoms or be tested for Covid 19, we will notify the group without identifying the individual and request that pupils and staff from that group (Bubble) go home until confirmation of a negative result or a period of self isolation be complete, typically 14 days.

Similarly if your child becomes ill at school, we will contact you and ask for you immediate response in collecting your child from school.  During the waiting period of your arrival, your child and an adult will wait in a designated ‘isolation’ area until you arrive. 


If your child/children have any illness such as asthma and you have not previously told us, please notify us immediately so that we can update our records and add to our risk assessments.

Affected by Lockdown including Bereavement:

We understand and realise that many of you have been impacted upon by the lock down and have found the experience very difficult, or have been personally affected having lost close relatives of loved ones to Covid 19.  In order that we can be of best support, please inform us of any bereavements together with the information that your child knows.  This will enable us to offer the best emotional support and talk appropriately with your child.

It is absolutely vital that this information is adhered to for the safety of our pupils’ and their families, staff and their families and also the wider community.  This may seem pedantic or for some worrying, however it is essential that we are assured that our families are following the rules as set out by the Government, in order that we can maintain good health and safety for everyone at school.  Therefore if we learn that there are families flouting social distancing rules and mixing with large numbers of people, their child’s place at school will need to be reviewed as the level of risk to others increases significantly.

Warmest regards

Mrs R Gunn                            Mr G Cave

Headteacher                          Chair of Governors